Плата за навчання

Рекламний довідник


All students interested in joining Xenion Junior School or Xenion High School are assessed in Maths, English and Greek (if applicable) according to the class and year group they are interested in joining. Meetings with parents and students with members of the Management are also planned prior to registering. Parents of students who successfully pass the exams and wish to register their child, need to bring with them all the necessary documentation as follows :


A copy of the child’s Birth Certificate


A copy of the child’s ID card (if they have one)


The child’s most recent school progress report (if available)


Any recent evaluation(s) regarding medical issues or learning difficulties (If applicable)


A passport photograph


Photocopies of passports or ID cards for both parents/guardians


Vaccinations Coverage Certificate signed by a Paediatrician (this document is given to you on the day of registration) and a photocopy of child’s medical booklet


For overseas applicants, we require proof of a permanent home address in Cyprus. Two of the following original documents must be produced; Driving Licence/Council Tax Receipt/Utility Bill, e.g. water or electricity bill

Please note that Xenion Education has an electronic registration system and the registration procedure is conducted online, using computers which are available in the school lobby. Completion of the registration procedure needs to be carried out by one of the two parents or guardians. Reception staff is available to assist with this procedure.

Registration Procedure

Meeting with Members of Management

Documents to the school secretary

Payment of the registration fee and the first instalment of fees

Payment of the Parents and Guardians’ Association membership fee

Completion of the electronic registration form

Signing the printed registration form by both parents/guardians in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture

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