
Meet Our Staff

The Executive Director of Xenion Junior School is Mrs Katelitsa Zouvani-Phylactou, Head Teacher of Xenion High School, founder of Xenion Education and well-known educator. The day-to-day management of the school is in the hands of Mrs. Xenia Phylactou-Monoyiou, an experienced and skilled teacher who studied in the UK. We are also fortunate to have, as an Academic Consultant, Mrs. Maureen Chapman, an experienced teacher who is also British-trained in Primary Education and has many years of experience as a primary teacher in the UK and in the UAE. 

This combination of experience and knowledge of both UK and Cypriot curricula has enabled us to create a balanced teaching programme which draws upon the best of both.

Teaching staff are recruited from Cyprus and the UK, hold either PGCE, BEd or degrees with QTS qualifications and are mostly bilingual. Experience of teaching young children is, obviously, a must but we also select on the basis of personality and look for individuals who are dedicated to their profession and bring both creativity and passion to its practice.

Pastoral Care

Our aim is to help parents in the development of their children’s character by providing models of care, respect and co-operation.

The welfare of our students is paramount and close attention is paid to their emotional well-being. We have a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy towards any form of bullying and strive to ensure that the time your child spends at Xenion Junior School is not only stimulating and productive but also SAFE and HAPPY.



Classter MIS is a comprehensive school management system designed to streamline academic and administrative operations. It integrates key functions such as admissions, attendance, timetabling, grading, and communication, providing a unified platform for efficient school management.

Teams & Tapestry

These systems are used daily by the staff and they are the most effective ways for parents, to contact the teachers, the Reception, the Deputy Head and the Director.

Calendar & Monthly Agenda

This agenda informs parents and students regarding any events, field trips, celebrations etc.

Visiting Hours

Visiting Hour is a 40 minute period every week. During this time parents can visit the school to speak to any teacher or call any teacher available during the indicated times.

Communication Folder

In this folder students/parents will receive all announcements from the school.

Social Media

Xenion Education uses Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to upload any news and events. Everyone can easily access our page by writing Xenion Education in the search area.

Teaching Methods

Learning and teaching at Xenion Junior School are rooted in experiential learning. Students are encouraged to experiment through carefully monitored play and independent discovery and all intelligences, including kinaesthetic, spatial and emotional, are developed.

There is a hands-on approach to all lessons which helps the students to become confident learners, less likely to rely on ‘spoon-feeding’ by the teacher.

Teaching at this school is firmly child-centered and we take advantage of every new and exciting pedagogical method, while always retaining foundations rooted in approaches which have withstood the test of time: we blend the best of the new with the wisdom of previous generations.

  • Our English teaching is fully in line with the UK system and Linguistic improvement is a major aim of our curriculum: it is developed every day in both oral and written work.
  • We also focus on the improvement of mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding; developing this through practical work, mental maths and more formal, written exercises.
  • All aspects of the curriculum are approached with equal care and attention to children’s needs, allowing each pupil to express themselves creatively, intellectually and emotionally while developing their talents across the board.
  • Limited class sizes ensure that each child is given the attention they need to do well and student assessment is formative; designed to support and encourage improvement rather than merely generate grades at the end of the school year.
  • Children are not only grouped by age; we also take into account individual abilities, so that our flexible and responsive teaching can enable every child to fulfill their potential.


At Xenion Junior we believe that children must be supported to develop self-discipline and respect for themselves and for the people and places around them. This is a major theme in our HPSE syllabus and is reinforced in every aspect of our daily teaching. Lack of discipline and poor conduct affect students’ progress and are not acceptable at our school.

Our rules are simple, designed to create conditions which allow everybody to learn and teach in a civilized environment and we help children to understand that these rules must be followed.

In addition we operate a MERIT AND PENALTY POINTS SYSTEM, which encourages and acknowledges achievement and good conduct but also serves, if necessary, to impose sanctions on those few students who do not always behave as they should.

Our policy is to concentrate on encouraging positive behaviour and to create an ethos in which bad behaviour does not occur. However, if punishment is appropriate, parents will be fully informed.


The Junior School year starts on the 2nd Monday of September and runs to the third week of June. The school day is from 07:45 until 14:15.

Children are supervised during breaks and lunch breaks as well as while coming in or going out of school.

07:45 – 07:50 Registration Time 5’
07:50 – 08:30 Period 1 40’
08:30 – 09:10 Period 2 40’
09:10 – 09:30 1st Break 20’
09:30 – 10:10 Period 3 40’
10:10 – 10:50 Period 4 40’
10:50 – 11:05 2nd Break 15’
11:05 – 11:45 Period 5 40’
11:45 – 12:25 Period 6 40’
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch Break 30’
12:55 – 13:35 Period 7 40’
13:35 – 14:15 Period 8 40’
School Day Ends
14:15 – 15:00 CLUBS 45’

School Events

We celebrate all major national and international holidays, festivals and events within the timetable. Groups of students are encouraged to work together to create presentations on a wide range of subjects. We take part in a variety of national and international events and competitions organized by both the Ministry of Education and European educational organisations and a number of educational school visits are arranged each year.


Blessing At The Beginning Of The Year
United Nations Day
The anniversary of 28th October – School Holiday

May Day, 1st May – School Holiday

Condemnation of the ‘pseudo-state
The anniversary of the Polytechnic Students’ Uprising
World Declaration of Human Rights Day
Christmas – School closed for two weeks
Day of the Three Heirarchs, 30th January – School Holiday
Tree and Environment Week
Gregoris Afxentiou commemoration day
Green Monday – School Holiday
The anniversary of 25th March – School Holiday
The anniversary of 1st April – School Holiday
Easter – School closed for two weeks

Day of St. John Chrysostomos, 13th November – School Holiday

Cyprus Republic Day, 1st October – School Holiday
Cataclysmos (Pentecost) – School Holiday
St Barnabas Day, 11th June – School Holiday
End of the school year

Extra-Curricular Activities

The school organises termly excursions for which a charge is made. The cost includes entrance fees, lunch and coach transportation. Usually all children and staff are involved in the excursion, making it a wonderful experience.

Individual teachers organise local field trips which enhance the curriculum by giving children hands on experiences. These trips are usually within the local area and are usually free of charge or subsidised by the School or the Parents’ Association. Parental permission will not be asked for field trip excursions as they are part of the school curriculum. More details are added on the monthly agendas.

International Participation

’’School adaptability as the key to develop a child’s potential’’. The SCHOOL ADAPT project, is funded under the ERASMUS + program (Action KA2 – School education). We are looking forward to our fruitful cooperation with our partners from Cyprus, Italy, Poland, and Spain.

Our project

The SCHOOL-ADAPT project responds to the Europe 2020 priorities in the area of education and training, youth and early school leaving in the context of globalization and labour market integration. With increasing migration into and within an already culturally diverse EU, even more efforts in the educational system are needed to respond to the needs of pupils with a migrant background and to prepare schools, teachers and parents for growing diversity in today’s classroom.

The Project Objectives Are:

  • Foster adaptability of school-age children (6-14 years old) to use and boost their learning potential and to meet the requirements of the education system of the unknown environment.
  • Help children and young people from migrant backgrounds in the project countries to become well-integrated into the education system abroad and through this into society.
  • Contribute to improving migrant pupils’ overall school performance and well-being.
  • Prepare highly qualified, special primary and lower-secondary educators & teachers to work with migrant students.
  • Tackle educational disadvantages and early school, leaving by giving migrant parents’ opportunities to support their children in their learning in the project countries.
  • Reduce social isolation and perceived barriers to full integration among migrant children.

Target Groups

Project results MODEL OF WORKING WITH A PUPIL RETURNING FROM ABROAD TO THE NATIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM The Model of Working with a Pupil Returning from Abroad to the Native Education System is an inclusive educational model to facilitate the challenging experience of migration – adaptation process of children (6-14 years old), support inclusive school communities for all students and create an effective teaching and learning environment.

  • primary and lower-secondary school students (6-14 years old)
  • parents
  • primary and/or lower -secondary school teachers and experts
  • school psychologists, educators, management staff



The model relates to the process of adaptation of pupils and their families to the new school reality. It provides information for all those involved in the process: the parents who have made the decision to move to another country, the principal of the receiving school, the teaching staff and the local community. It includes all stages from the parents’ decision to move to the child’s first few months in the new school. The model is largely based on the experiences of the project partners.

Training Toolkit – Pupil Adaptation

The Training Toolkit for Pupil adaptation is a comprehensive set of precious resources specifically designed to support the teachers in the application of the two Models for adaptation (Model 1 and Model 2), develop skills and establish a mindset to foster an inclusive learning environment.


For teachers with a focus on facilitating school integration for foreign and returning students. Let’s educate ourselves on intercultural education! Let the learning process begins.


Online space to develop skills of parents for supporting their children in the process of changing schools and adapting to the new education system. Delivered in attractive, multimedia form. Website: Click Here


In the beginning of the year, you will receive the Xenion Junior School Club Programme and a Club Analysis document, which is an explanation of each club for Xenion Junior School students. These documents are both emailed to parents prior to the beginning of the new school year.

Wednesday and Friday clubs are compulsory for all students of Xenion Junior School. All other clubs are optional.
Our clubs finish at 3.00pm on a daily basis. At this time all children go home.

Junior School



Chess, Board Games


Creative Arts


Films and Drama


Library And Literature

Ball Sports


Meditation, And Quite Club

Pre School


Outside Play

Chess, Board Games

Fabulous Football

Amazing Activities(Art)


Construction Club


Parents Association

The Committee of the Parents’ Association is elected during the first meeting of the school year and its term of office is one year. All parents are automatically members of the association. The elected committee meets once a month unless there is a need for an additional meeting.

The Association aims to give the school practical help in its work and to serve as a bridge of communication between school and parents. It contributes to the smooth running of the school in a number of ways and offers a lot to the students.

The fee for the parents’ association is per family and covers insurance, parties, presents, awards and some subsidies towards school excursions, performances, events, field trips and other school based activities. All subscriptions are fully utilized for the benefit of Xenion Junior School students within the school year.


One of the most exciting innovations in modern teaching has been the increasing use of computer technology across all areas of the curriculum. This has, in many ways, revolutionised teaching methods. Xenion Junior School has embraced new technology because we know that if we seek to create 21st century citizens, we must have a 21st century school. Every classroom at Xenion Junior School has an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) and projector as well as tablets for the students, enabling the use of an extensive library of e-books, interactive learning materials, educational games and puzzles as well as on-line resources. The IWB also allows Xenion students access to ‘Gnositechnia’, an interactive one-to-one learning programme based on Ministry of Education materials. The most exciting technological innovation is Robotics: the process of creating computer controlled machines in order to carry out a particular task. Robotics is the perfect combination of creativity, design and practical making skills. Robotics teaches not only Technology and Computer Science but encourages critical thinking, planning, logic and problem-solving and, because the materials are designed to be used in pairs or small groups, the childrens’ ability to communicate, co-operate and delegate is extensively developed. Technology is also an essential part of our communication process. Online lessons in our school are conducted via Microsoft Teams. This platform gives numerous possibilities to students and teachers.
  • Teams and channels with chat function which enable conversation and instant communication between teachers and students.
  • Document storage in SharePoint. Every team who uses Microsoft Teams will have a site in SharePoint Online, which will contain a default document library folder. All files shared across all conversations will automatically save to this folder.
  • Online video calling and screen sharing.
  • Online meetings. This feature also includes a scheduling aid, a note-taking app, file uploading, and in-meeting chat messaging.
  • Audio conferencing. With audio conferencing, anyone can join an online meeting via phone.
All students participate in training sessions before lessons start so they know in advance how the platform works and what they need to do. Our students never miss their lessons and they always follow what happens in class even if they cannot come to school. We also offer online lessons for various courses to students abroad. Our school is proud to announce that we won an important award at the “Cyprus Education Leaders Awards”. The school was awarded in the category “Technology in Education” for the Information Management System XENION MIS. Find out more here: Technology in Education.

Lunch & Cafeteria

Xenion Cafeteria prepares all the school meals. It also offers fresh, home-made sandwiches and salads as well as a wide range of snacks, drinks, home baking and fresh fruit. Lunch can be either a packed lunch brought from home or a cooked lunch from Xenion Cafeteria. Packed lunch must be prepared and sent in with the child at 7.45am.

Our online lunch ordering system, Xenion Junior School Lunch Box allows parents to choose their child’s lunches in advance.

Orders can be placed on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. All orders however, must be placed before 11.00pm on the day before the lunch is required. There are two options for lunch per day. Our cafeteria also stocks small lunch portions, snacks and cold sandwiches in case an order is not placed in time or forgotten. However, the choice will be limited so we suggest that online ordering becomes routine, to prevent any disappointment. We regret that the school cannot accept any requests, orders or changes to the meals after payment is completed. Lunches are only available to order online. If you have more than one child at Xenion, the system allows you to complete multiple lunch orders before requiring payment. You do not need separate login details for each child. Please be aware that the system is unable to offer any refunds for absences.

This system not only helps Xenion on its journey to becoming a paperless school but also ensures greater speed and simplicity for our lunch orders.

At Xenion, we carefully manage the ingredients we buy and how we prepare our products. While we do take extreme care to minimise the risk of cross contamination, we cannot guarantee that any of our products are safe to consume for people with specific allergies. Any important information regarding dietary requirements (illness, allergies etc.) must be communicated to the Form teachers on the first day of term, AND earlier via Reception. For any specific and/or serious allergies or requirements, the school recommends that parents send lunch from home. Please refer to the Parents’ Handbook for further details.

Uniform General Rules:

Only approved uniform items may be worn.
  • No jewellery is to be worn except:
  • No necklaces or rings are allowed, as these items can be dangerous.
  • Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish or make-up.
  • Sensible haircuts: no coloured hair, severely short hair, excessive gel,extreme variations in lengths, designs cut into hair
  • Boys’ hair should not be worn long.
  • Black shoes must be sensible and practical for wearing all day. Trademark logos must not be visible.
2. No jewellery is to be worn except: a) a watch b) a small cross c) plain sleepers in pierced ears (ONE PAIR). Boys are not allowed to wear earrings. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. Uniform, stationery items and books are available from the school A. Formal School Uniform (only for school national celebrations, parades, church service e.t.c):
Boys Girls
Long sleeve shirt Long sleeve shirt
Waistcoat Waistcoat
Beret Beret
Tie Tie
Formal black leather shoes Formal black leather shoes
Long blue trousers with black socks Skirt with white ankle socks
Black belt Black belt
Students are allowed to wear their hoodies or school jackets as long as they are removed when the school celebrations takes place
B. Daily school Uniform during Autumn and Winter:
Boys Girls
Long sleeve T-shirt with collar Long sleeve T-shirt with collar
Hoodie Hoodie
Blue jacket Blue jacket
Black leather shoes or black trainers Black leather shoes or black trainers
Black belt Black belt
Long blue trousers with black socks or tracksuit bottoms Long blue trousers with black socks or a blue skirt with white socks or blue tights or tracksuit bottoms
For P.E For P.E
Tracksuit bottoms White P.E T-shirt Black trainers Tracksuit bottoms White P.E T-shirt Black trainers
C. Daily School Uniform during Spring and Summer:
Boys Girls
Short sleeve T-shirt with collar Short sleeve T-shirt with collar
Black leather shoes or black trainers Black leather shoes or black trainers
Black belt Black belt
Long blue trousers with black socks or shorts with white socks Long blue trousers with black socks or a blue skirt with white socks
For P.E For P.E
P.E shorts White P.E t-shirt Black trainers P.E shorts White P.E t-shirt Black trainers

Stationery and Books

Books and some stationery items will be provided by the school and are included in the fees.

All equipment and books supplied remain the property of Xenion Junior School and children are expected to keep all items in good condition. Parents will be asked to pay for or replace damaged or lost books and equipment. During the year, children may be asked to purchase additional resources which are over and above the standard requirements.

Uniform, stationery items and books are available from the school.


Pupils are generally grouped as follows (age as at 1st September):

Junior Classes
Preschool 4 Years Old
Junior 1 6 Years Old Junior 4 9 Years Old
Junior 2 7 Years Old Junior 5 10 Years Old
Junior 3 8 Years Old Junior 6 11 Years Old
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