
Preschool class

Our Preschool is open to children from 4 years old. We provide a broad, balanced curriculum, which is taught in both English and Greek. Our experienced and highly-skilled teachers use a wide range of pioneering teaching methods and fully-integrated technology to create lessons which are stimulating, enjoyable and effective in preparing younger children for primary school.


The main curriculum of Xenion Junior School is a modified one which includes the best of both the Cypriot National Curriculum and British Key Stages 1 and 2.
A sensible balance of the two ensures that our Cypriot students cover the National curriculum every bit as fully as their peers in state schools. In addition, Xenion Junior School offers a broader education, including fluency in English and other languages, with a wider, more European character that meets the needs of our international students. A Preparation Course is offered to international students who speak neither Greek nor English, in order to prepare them for their studies.

Children at Xenion Junior School follow a continuous programme in the following subjects:

Mathematics (Including Daily Mental Mathematics)
English Language (Reading/Writing/Speaking/Listening/Handwriting/Literature)
Greek Language and Culture
Foreign Languages (German) - in Year 6
Environmental Studies (History/Geography/Science/Social Studies)
Physical Education (Dance/Fitness/Games/Gymnastics)
Expressive Arts (Art/Music/Drama)
Design and Technology
Religious Education
Computing and Robotics
Hygiene, Personal and Social Education (H.P.S.E.)
Brain Gym (Problem Solving/Thinking Skills)
Homework and Independent Study Programme
Me, Myself and I
The Farm
Up in Space
All about Christmas
Physical Education (Dance/Fitness/Games/Gymnastics)
Transport/Literature Month
First Discoveries
Healthy Living
Computing and Robotics
Mythical Creatures
Creepy Crawlies
Shells and Boats

Students at Xenion Preschool

follow a themed-based programme for every month of the school year, which promotes and develops the Seven Categories of Early Years Foundation Stage:

  1. Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  2. Communication & Language
  3. Physical Development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the World
  7. Expressive Arts & Design

The School Day

Preschool Timetable
07:45-08:15 Integrated Activities 30'
08:15-08:55 Period 1 40'
08:55-09:30 Period 2 35'
09:30-10:05 Breakfast Break 35'
10:05-10:45 Period 3 40'
10:45-11:25 Period 4 40'
11:25-12:05 Fruit Break 40'
12:05-12:45 Period 5 40'
12:45-13:20 Period 6 35'
13:20-13:55 Lunch 35'
13:55-14:15 Story Time/Assembly on Monday 20'
School Day Ends
14:15-15:00 Clubs (optional) 45'
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