1st year at Xenion Boarding School - Nguyen Quoc Thien

  1. How do you feel after one year at Xenion Boarding School?


I feel great here! Everyone is very kind and I feel that I belong to a family here. In Vietnam, teachers and students do not have a very close relationship but here teachers and students are like family. They are very kind and they always help us to improve everything that we need to improve. My English has improved a lot since I came here.


  1. How easy was it for you to adapt to the school environment here at Xenion High School and how different is it compared to your previous school?


Everything is very different compared to my previous school in Vietnam. First of all, technology is very advanced here and widely used. In our country, technology and the facilities are not so developed. Here you can find anything you want, for example a basketball field where I can play with my friends.


  1. How different did you find Cyprus and its people compared to your country?


In my country, I think that they don’t care a lot about each other. It is not common that you speak to someone you don’t know. But here it’s easier to approach each other and people talk a lot with each other.


  1. What do you like the most here at the school?


I really like the premises here; everything is new and modern. I also like the assembly time when the whole school is together in the Amphitheatre. I like the classrooms; they are very spacious and have an interactive whiteboard.


  1. Are you happy with your accommodation at the new Xenion Boarding House?


I am very excited with the Boarding House. It is very new and modern. Our swimming pool and the common area are very nice, and it gives us the feeling that we are all part of a team. It is also very close to the school.


  1. Would you recommend Xenion Boarding School to your friends in your country and why?


I would definitely recommend Xenion Boarding School to my friends in Vietnam. I think they would love it here. Teachers and all staff take very good care of us and everyone is very friendly here.

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